Estimated Delivery Dates Functionality

Every online shopper on the planet wants to know when he or she will be receiving an order. This functionality uses the date on which the order is placed to calculate when the order will be delivered. The chosen shipping method,next-day, etc., item location, and public holidays will be taken into account to provide a more accurate estimate.

The Estimated Delivery Dates Functionality provides an exact date of delivery for a customer’s purchase. It will be displayed at the checkout but can be customized to appear on the product, cart, and confirmation order page. The delivery date is calculated based on several factors.

Estimated Delivery Dates Functionality

Our estimated delivery dates functionality is ideal for eCommerce retail sites that want to give customers the right expectations about when they will receive their purchases. This helps customers plan for their own deadlines, which is essential for B2B dealers. B2C eCommerce stores can improve the customer experience with this tool as well.

Estimated Delivery Dates Functionality_example

This functionality displays the estimated delivery date of a customer’s order once the customer reaches to the product page. It bases this estimate on the preferred shipping method they chose along with other factors. You may choose to display a day range or a date range for the estimate. Your business can have estimated dates for shipping services like FedEx, UPS, USPS, and DHL on the page.

Our estimated delivery dates functionality improves the accuracy of delivery. By showing when customers can expect their orders to arrive. Providing estimated dates of delivery can make it easier for a customer to decide to buy. Because they know when they can expect their goods.

Estimated Delivery Dates Functionality_Results

This functionality can help your business get more sales, improve conversion rates, and maximize the overall customer experience by building trust and transparency into your customer experience. This is essential during holiday season when off-days and other factors have an impact on delivery.

If your business wants to provide accurate delivery dates for customers when they place their order, contact Optimum7 today to learn more about the estimated delivery dates functionality. Call us at 866-882-8484 or fill out our online contact form.


We can help you determine which functionality is best for Shopify, Bigcommerce, Volusion, VTEX, Magento, 3d Cart, Wordpress / WooCommerce, Opencart, Episerver, Oracle ATG and any Custom Cart.

Contact us today with any additional questions you may have about our functionalities.

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