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Using Storytelling in Content Marketing

Using Storytelling in Content Marketing

The concept of storytelling began to gain momentum in the marketing field about three years ago. This interactive notion basically reflects the core of human nature and the need to relate to a particular subject.

When it comes to authoring certain pieces of writing, the readers’ perceptions must be kept in mind. With the present generation facing an influx of information the second they start surfing the web, the content that’s not so capturing is instantly weeded out.

So how can you start gearing your brand’s marketing strategy in the right direction? Start with storytelling. It doesn’t have to be in the form of a blog or newsletter all the time. The beauty of storytelling in the marketing context is its versatility—it can take on various faces.

As a marketing copywriter, I’ve noticed that this form of writing has a proven to be quite successful in most instances. The following are some pointers on how you can get started to increasing your brand loyalty through the power of creative content.

Establishing Stories that Spark an Interest

Your first area of focus should be figuring out how you’re going to relate to your target audience. Who exactly are you looking to attract? What message do you want to send out? What storyline do you think would be most appealing to that specific demographic?

Begin by finding an area of common interest you think you can elaborate more on. This could most likely be a trending story or one that’s already been told, only this time, it’s showing a more developed side.

By choosing a story people are quite familiar with, you’ll be catching their attention from the get-go. This actually helps your audience listen more and it’ll minimize their risk of getting sidetracked by distractions. The main reason behind it lies in the simple fact that you’re basically starting a sense of collaboration and the key to it all—relevance.

Characters and a Plot Go a Long Way

After you establish a sense of community among your readers, you should focus on your story plot. At the end of the day, you’re writing a narrative—one that needs a start, middle and an end. Partition the theme of your story into an outline in which you can plug the substance of your storyline.

It’s really important to have a strong personality tell your story, as this form of communication is the one that will capture your target readers. A strong personality goes with a strong a message like milk goes with cookies—you get the point.

Next up, you want to use the element of surprise to keep your readers guessing and wanting to come back for more. It’s like having a call to action every time you tell your story. If you give it all away at once, it’ll be easier for readers to wipe it out of their memory.

Voicing Your Brand in a Consumerist Society

In a world where society has grown its consumerist nature, it’s a must to be transparent to gain a reader’s trust. You shouldn’t be afraid to voice your opinions and viewpoints since that’s what will actually give you the mileage you’re looking for.

No one is prone to listening to a sugarcoated message so it’s better to make everything clear from the beginning. Of course, everything should be done in moderation, in the sense that you should still be mindful about how your viewpoints will align with a reader’s personal perceptions.

Get your brand to stick to the minds of your readers in a genuine way. You can do this by simply asking yourself the following questions:

  1. What will potential consumers benefit from by turning to your brand?
  2. Are you valuing the age of social media and interactions?
  3. Can your ideas be shared?
  4. Is it relevant to the present?

Get into the minds of your readers and ask yourself what prospective clients will gain from going with your particular business. And be sure to take advantage of using as many social media platforms as you can to get more eyes on your content.

Marketing on one social media venue might even be more beneficial than marketing on another, so do your homework. Sharing on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will work like a charm if your story is deemed worthy of being shared. If so, you might be able to start counting your leads

Engage and Conquer

Last but not least, be entertaining! Readers will stay away from boring stories so make your narrative count. After all, you’re putting in a lot of time, effort and resources—why not make the most of it?

As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, just have fun with creating your content and your attitude will resonate throughout it only to bring positive results. Now go on, and let and creative times roll!

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A digital marketing strategy is the path to profitability. Optimum7 can help you set the right goals, offer and implement creative and technical strategies, and use data and analytics to review and improve your business’s performance.

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