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What Do SEO Companies DoMore than anything else, an SEO company exists to do all those things that you don’t have time to do with your website, or don’t have the skills to do yourself. Of course you want to market your site, and make sure it’s seen by everyone who is browsing the internet. The problem is, however, that hardly any business owner has the time to do all the tedious work building links, adding alt tags to pages, and creating mountains and mountains of relevant and interesting copy. There’s an even large group of business owners who don’t even know where to begin with SEO, and that’s why SEO companies are practically essential to doing business online.

So what do they do exactly? That’s a challenging question, because the answer is everything! An SEO company never has the same client twice. Every business owner will have his own goals or target audience. No two SEO campaigns are the same. SEO companies act as a sort of tour guide for the internet, and because of this, they have to be well versed in limitless types of businesses and niche markets.

Acting as the tour guide for internet users isn’t easy either. People often don’t search for information in ways that websites like Google can easily find results for. It’s an SEO company’s job to make sure that whenever someone searches for something relevant to your website, they will find you instead of your competitor. They also need to make sure that you’re easy to find for people who do know what they’re looking for. Even more importantly, SEO companies have to make sure that people who won’t be interested in your product won’t be sent to your site.

SEO companies make your website visible to the internet viewing public in countless ways. Their methods are often centered on working along with the complex algorithms of search engines, so only a true SEO expert can be effective at his job. They have to know how search engines choose what sites are important, and then tailor the site so that it is easy to find. Once you find a good SEO company, stick with them! Search engines often change their algorithms, and what’s good one year, may not be effective the next. You’ll need a good team who can keep up with it for you.

SEO companies can handle everything from working with the code of your site to ensure that it’s built correctly from the ground up, to creating interesting articles about your product to post online. It all comes to the following main objectives:

1. Increasing relevant traffic through all of the major search engines. This is accomplished by optimizing the actual site pages so that the search engines clearly understand what each of your pages are about and how they interact with each other. It also involves generation of backlinks by syndicating all forms of content outside of your site to generate the valuable relevant, naturally occurring backlinks that the search engines are looking for.

2. Promoting your site, again with content, but using the Social Media, including social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter et al and using social bookmarking sites like Digg and Delicious.

3. Optimizing the design of your site to optimize conversions which is the ultimate result the website seeks.

4. ROI – the successful implementation and management of all of these processes at a cost that delivers the best ROI possible.

SEO requires commitment.  If you have the resources to hire internal personnel with the experience and training you should make this commitment; both to the hiring process but also the ongoing training and updating that is the fabric of all web technologies.  However, if you cannot make that commitment, or if you are looking to improve the results of your online marketing strategy, hiring a full service Internet Marketing Company will give you access to the skill set and expertise your online marketing strategy sorely needs.

Feel free to review our rich sources of content on subjects such as Internet Marketing, SEO, SEM, PPC, and Social Media and, of course, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help.

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A digital marketing strategy is the path to profitability. Optimum7 can help you set the right goals, offer and implement creative and technical strategies, and use data and analytics to review and improve your business’s performance.

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